Oklahoma Parent Choice Tax Credit

Starting in January 2024, Oklahoma's newly enacted Parental Choice Tax Credit, as outlined in Oklahoma HB 1934, offers families the opportunity to receive tax credits that can assist them in covering the costs of private school tuition and fees for their children. Parents may be eligible for a refundable tax credit ranging from $5,000 to $7,500 per child, calculated based on their household income from the second year prior. For example, the 2022 federal Adjusted Gross Income would be used for the 2024 tax credit. Families with an income below $150,000 will be prioritized for these tax credits, which will be disbursed in two installments sometime in the fall and spring. The amount of the tax credit is dependent upon a family's federal Adjusted Gross Income. The amount available per child per year is as follows:

  • $7500 for family incomes below $75,000

  • $7000 for family incomes over $75,001 but not exceeding $150,000

  • $6500 for family incomes over $150,001 but not exceeding $225,000

  • $6000 for family incomes between $225,001 and $250,000

  • $5000 for family incomes over $250,001

Evergreen Academy is an accredited private Christian school in Oklahoma and EA families are eligible to apply for the Oklahoma Parent Choice Tax Credit for the 2025-2026 school year. The application process for the tax credit opens in February 2025, allowing families to begin submitting their applications at that time.

Important Note: Decisions regarding the Oklahoma Parent Choice Tax Credit and the distribution of funds are determined by the state of Oklahoma, not Evergreen Academy.

The term "qualified expense" refers to costs associated with tuition and fees at a private school that is accredited by the State Board of Education or another recognized accrediting body, including the Oklahoma Private School Accrediting Commission (OPSAC) and other accrediting associations acknowledged by OPSAC.

In the case of multiple eligible students, the taxpayer can claim the tax credit for each qualifying student. For example, if the household's federal Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is below $75,000, the taxpayer may be eligible to receive up to $7,500 per year for each eligible student. The application process permits the inclusion of all eligible students within the same household on a single application.

  • For tax year 2024, the state has authorized $150 million in tax credits.

  • For tax year 2025, the state has authorized $200 million in tax credits.

  • For tax year 2026, the state has authorized $250 million in tax credits. The state will provide tax credits beyond 2026, but those amounts have yet to be determined.

Evergreen Academy will provide its current families with information on how and when to apply for Oklahoma Parent Choice Tax Credit.

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